Currently, the whole world is facing a common enemy: the Covid-19 virus responsible for a serious pandemic!
In the vast majority of cases (97%), the subject will be a healthy carrier (no symptoms) or will develop mild symptoms (cough, fever) over a few days. In 15% of cases, symptoms may require hospitalization. The mortality would be 3% and would affect subjects weakened by other diseases.
Until a specific treatment and a vaccine are developed, it is possible to strengthen your immune system in order to protect yourself as much as possible from the virus . Evidently, government measures, social barriers and hygiene advices are absolutely necessary and imperative to stop transmission.
Quantum Biotherapy offers you a medical device, based on Chinese energy medicine (acupuncture), to stimulate and increase your immune system with audio frequencies according to the physics resonance principle. Used for 40 years by a medical specialist, it has no side effects. It improves your receptivity to other medical treatments to which you may be subjected. The more you stimulate your field with energy medicine, the more your body will resist external aggressions (viruses, bacteria, pollution, etc.) and the more effective your conventional treatments will be.
This medical device does not prevent contamination but increases your resistance to the virus. You will therefore remain potential transmitters. This is why it is primordial to respect social barriers and not interrupt your usual treatments.
This program is free.
The gravity of the world health situation deserves a solidarity worthy of it.
As it is not a standard treatment and in most cases the disease will be barely visible or not at all, it is therefore difficult to measure the effectiveness of the program. However, the experience of these devices has been proven in other pathologies.
This program has an unlimited lifespan.
Do not hesitate to share it with your loved ones, wherever they are in the world!
Take care of yourself. Together we will beat this.
Yours truly, the Quantum Biotherapy Team.
Listen to the program 2 to 3 times per day on speakers, or with your headphones in a quiet place.
It lasts 15 minutes, with silent breaks in between.To do during the crisis.
For any questions, or concerns about the program, you can reach us via quantumbiotherapy@gmail.com
Un programme comprend 4 fréquences plus 1 pause durant 15 minutes soit 15 cycles d’1 minute sans effets secondaires et rien à sentir selon une expérience de près de 40 ans sur environ 30 000 patients.
Ce programme est gratuit.
La gravité de la situation sanitaire mondiale mérite une solidarité à la hauteur.
Comme il ne s’agit pas d’un traitement classique et que dans la majorité des cas, la maladie sera peu ou pas visible, il est difficile de mesurer la part d’efficacité du programme. Cependant, l'expérience de ces dispositifs a fait ses preuves dans d'autres pathologies.
Ce programme a une durée de vie illimitée.
N'hésitez pas à le partager avec vos proches, avec ceux que vous aimez, où qu'ils soient dans le monde !
Prenez soin de vous.
L'équipe Quantum Biotherapy
Mode d’emploi :
Ecoutez le programme 2 à 3 fois par jour sur haut-parleurs ou avec vos écouteurs dans un endroit au calme.
Il dure 15 minutes, entrecoupé de silences.
Pour toute question relative au programme, vous pouvez écrire à quantumbiotherapy@gmail.com